首先呢,先说点基础,有基础的跳过吧,Flutter中一切皆组件,如图(flutter中文网里面截的0~ _~0),可见无状态组件与有状态组件为主,今天的主角Image是继承自StatefulWidget的。StatefulWidget的特点是有个State, State变化会触发组件的更新,一系列组件的更新就达成了用户界面的更新。基础完事~~~~
l Image.network( String src,.... )
l Image.file( File file, .... )
l Image.asset( String name, ...... )
l Image.memory( Uint8List bytes,....)
l Image({Key key , @required this.image , this.frameBuilder, this.loadingBuilder,this.errorBuilder,....} )
Image.network( String src, { Key key, double scale = 1.0, this.frameBuilder, this.loadingBuilder, this.errorBuilder, this.semanticLabel, this.excludeFromSemantics = false, this.width, this.height, this.color, this.colorBlendMode, this.fit, this.alignment = Alignment.center, this.repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, this.centerSlice, this.matchTextDirection = false, this.gaplessPlayback = false, this.filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, Map<String, String> headers, int cacheWidth, int cacheHeight, }) : image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth, cacheHeight, NetworkImage(src, scale: scale, headers: headers)), assert(alignment != null), assert(repeat != null), assert(matchTextDirection != null), assert(cacheWidth == null || cacheWidth > 0), assert(cacheHeight == null || cacheHeight > 0), super(key: key);
image = ResizeImage.resizeIfNeeded(cacheWidth, cacheHeight, NetworkImage(src, scale: scale, headers: headers))
/// The image to display. final ImageProvider image;
翻译:用于展示的image。一拍同桌大腿,没毛病,这家伙一定是个关键。 那就对ResizeImage下手吧,点进resizeIfNeeded方法,代码很少,单词基本也都认识,好险。
static ImageProvider<dynamic> resizeIfNeeded(int cacheWidth, int cacheHeight, ImageProvider<dynamic> provider) { if (cacheWidth != null || cacheHeight != null) { return ResizeImage(provider, width: cacheWidth, height: cacheHeight); } return provider; }
/// Creates an object that fetches the image at the given URL. /// /// The arguments [url] and [scale] must not be null. const factory NetworkImage(String url, { double scale, Map<String, String> headers }) = network_image.NetworkImage;
哈,是一常量,再点,看到类了…. _network_image_io.dart文件里的NetWrokImage,有点长下一步搞嘛? 鬼知道呢。。。。先看看类里都啥方法吧
load(…)、loadAsync(…)这俩方法应该是加载图片的关键方法呗,obtainKey这个方法。。。。嗯,生成一个key,后续怎么用干啥用的,没到阻断我们看加载流程的放一边去,估计是下载图片的时候的一个唯一标记吧,who care ~~~
容我睁大眼睛看下两个load方法,小眼一瞅,哎呦 load里面调用loadAsync方法,loadAsync方法只有load里面调用了,巧不巧,太省心了,源码,嘿,就这?!
@override ImageStreamCompleter load(image_provider.NetworkImage key, image_provider.DecoderCallback decode) { // Ownership of this controller is handed off to [_loadAsync]; it is that // method's responsibility to close the controller's stream when the image // has been loaded or an error is thrown. final StreamController<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents = StreamController<ImageChunkEvent>(); return MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter( codec: _loadAsync(key as NetworkImage, chunkEvents, decode), chunkEvents: chunkEvents.stream, scale: key.scale, informationCollector: () { return <DiagnosticsNode>[ DiagnosticsProperty<image_provider.ImageProvider>('Image provider', this), DiagnosticsProperty<image_provider.NetworkImage>('Image key', key), ]; }, ); }
这里返回了个:MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter对象,它构建入参有:codec编解码器,chunkEvents事件块(没错我不认识chunk,查字典查的),其他。 codeC呢,是_loadAsync方法返回的,_loadAsync方法的入参有:key,chunkEvents,decode,decode应该是跟图片解码有关系的,算了看代码吧。。。猜个啥费脑细胞。。。先看下MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter
MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter({ @required Future<ui.Codec> codec, @required double scale, Stream<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents, InformationCollector informationCollector, }) : assert(codec != null), _informationCollector = informationCollector, _scale = scale { codec.then<void>(_handleCodecReady, onError: (dynamic error, StackTrace stack) { reportError( context: ErrorDescription('resolving an image codec'), exception: error, stack: stack, informationCollector: informationCollector, silent: true, ); }); if (chunkEvents != null) { chunkEvents.listen( (ImageChunkEvent event) { if (hasListeners) { // Make a copy to allow for concurrent modification. final List<ImageChunkListener> localListeners = _listeners .map<ImageChunkListener>((ImageStreamListener listener) => listener.onChunk) .where((ImageChunkListener chunkListener) => chunkListener != null) .toList(); for (final ImageChunkListener listener in localListeners) { listener(event); } } }, onError: (dynamic error, StackTrace stack) { reportError( context: ErrorDescription('loading an image'), exception: error, stack: stack, informationCollector: informationCollector, silent: true, ); }, ); } }
Future<void> _decodeNextFrameAndSchedule() async { try { _nextFrame = await _codec.getNextFrame(); } catch (exception, stack) { reportError( context: ErrorDescription('resolving an image frame'), exception: exception, stack: stack, informationCollector: _informationCollector, silent: true, ); return; } if (_codec.frameCount == 1) { // This is not an animated image, just return it and don't schedule more // frames. _emitFrame(ImageInfo(image: _nextFrame.image, scale: _scale)); return; } _scheduleAppFrame(); }
/// Calls all the registered listeners to notify them of a new image. @protected void setImage(ImageInfo image) { _currentImage = image; if (_listeners.isEmpty) return; // Make a copy to allow for concurrent modification. final List<ImageStreamListener> localListeners = List<ImageStreamListener>.from(_listeners); for (final ImageStreamListener listener in localListeners) { try { listener.onImage(image, false); } catch (exception, stack) { reportError( context: ErrorDescription('by an image listener'), exception: exception, stack: stack, ); } } }
Future<ui.Codec> _loadAsync( NetworkImage key, StreamController<ImageChunkEvent> chunkEvents, image_provider.DecoderCallback decode, ) async { try { assert(key == this); final Uri resolved = Uri.base.resolve(key.url); final HttpClientRequest request = await _httpClient.getUrl(resolved); headers?.forEach((String name, String value) { request.headers.add(name, value); }); final HttpClientResponse response = await request.close(); if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) { // The network may be only temporarily unavailable, or the file will be // added on the server later. Avoid having future calls to resolve // fail to check the network again. PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.evict(key); throw image_provider.NetworkImageLoadException(statusCode: response.statusCode, uri: resolved); } final Uint8List bytes = await consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes( response, onBytesReceived: (int cumulative, int total) { chunkEvents.add(ImageChunkEvent( cumulativeBytesLoaded: cumulative, expectedTotalBytes: total, )); }, ); if (bytes.lengthInBytes == 0) throw Exception('NetworkImage is an empty file: $resolved'); return decode(bytes); } finally { chunkEvents.close(); } }
粗理下流程哈,进方法后先构建httprequest,叽里呱啦的,然后就发请求了,请求回来后先缓存逻辑先处理,然后构建Unit8List,然后解码方法对象decode处理,生成UI.CodeC对象。刹个车,看一眼这个Unit8list 看下构造,这里在收到回传字节时chunkEvents搞了件事,存下了下载进度。嗯 这玩意就是后续处理回调用的。 再看一眼CodeC.(嘘~~英文是编解码器的意思,查字典查到的)看类注释:
/// A handle to an image codec. /// /// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated /// or extended directly. /// /// To obtain an instance of the [Codec] interface, see /// [instantiateImageCodec]. @pragma('vm:entry-point') class Codec extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
这个类呢 是系统创建出来的,你没啥事别自己去初始化或者去继承他。
要是想看看CodeC是咋创建的,去找instantiateImageCodec 这个类“
class Codec extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 { // // This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated // or extended directly. // // To obtain an instance of the [Codec] interface, see // [instantiateImageCodec]. @pragma('vm:entry-point') Codec._(); /// Number of frames in this image. int get frameCount native 'Codec_frameCount'; /// Number of times to repeat the animation. /// /// * 0 when the animation should be played once. /// * -1 for infinity repetitions. int get repetitionCount native 'Codec_repetitionCount'; /// Fetches the next animation frame. /// /// Wraps back to the first frame after returning the last frame. /// /// The returned future can complete with an error if the decoding has failed. Future<FrameInfo> getNextFrame() { return _futurize(_getNextFrame); } /// Returns an error message on failure, null on success. String _getNextFrame(_Callback<FrameInfo> callback) native 'Codec_getNextFrame'; /// Release the resources used by this object. The object is no longer usable /// after this method is called. void dispose() native 'Codec_dispose'; }
Emmm~~~ 好了 这个就不多说了 看一眼得了。
Emmmm 从哪里入手呢。。。 哦 开篇说了 Image这个控件是StatefulWidget,看state吧,三个方法:build方法,可以知道Image组件生成的组件是个啥,或者说是谁处理绘制图片的。didChangeDependencies(),didUpdateWidget() 俩方法处理组件更新。先看组件更新吧,上代码:
@override void didChangeDependencies() { _updateInvertColors(); _resolveImage(); if (TickerMode.of(context)) _listenToStream(); else _stopListeningToStream(); super.didChangeDependencies(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(Image oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (_isListeningToStream && (widget.loadingBuilder == null) != (oldWidget.loadingBuilder == null)) { _imageStream.removeListener(_getListener(oldWidget.loadingBuilder)); _imageStream.addListener(_getListener()); } if (widget.image != oldWidget.image) _resolveImage(); }
两个方法大致看一眼,主要操作在_resolveImage 以及对listener的处理。先看resolveImage方法:
void _resolveImage() { final ScrollAwareImageProvider provider = ScrollAwareImageProvider<dynamic>( context: _scrollAwareContext, imageProvider: widget.image, ); final ImageStream newStream = provider.resolve(createLocalImageConfiguration( context, size: widget.width != null && widget.height != null ? Size(widget.width, widget.height) : null, )); assert(newStream != null); _updateSourceStream(newStream); }
先看下方法的整体流程:先创建了一个provider 入参使用了咱们构造函数创建的provider,本次分析的是网络图片,前面咱们也分析了不考虑缓存的情况下,这个provider就是NetworkImage,接着调用provider的resolve方法生成了一个ImageStream,最后更新stream,SrcollAwareImageProvider方法可长了。。。所以先看外层的更新方法吧,过会儿再看SrcollAwareImageProvider的代码,看updateSourceStream(newStream)方法:
// Updates _imageStream to newStream, and moves the stream listener // registration from the old stream to the new stream (if a listener was // registered). void _updateSourceStream(ImageStream newStream) { if (_imageStream?.key == newStream?.key) return; if (_isListeningToStream) _imageStream.removeListener(_getListener()); if (!widget.gaplessPlayback) setState(() { _imageInfo = null; }); setState(() { _loadingProgress = null; _frameNumber = null; _wasSynchronouslyLoaded = false; }); _imageStream = newStream; if (_isListeningToStream) _imageStream.addListener(_getListener()); }
可以看到流程是先防止重复操作,然后正在下载的移除监听(这里没做关闭下载操作哈,就是这个图片后台可能还在下载),接着重新赋值成员变量_imageStraem, 然后添加监听,先看是个啥监听吧
ImageStreamListener _getListener([ImageLoadingBuilder loadingBuilder]) { loadingBuilder ??= widget.loadingBuilder; _lastException = null; _lastStack = null; return ImageStreamListener( _handleImageFrame, onChunk: loadingBuilder == null ? null : _handleImageChunk, onError: widget.errorBuilder != null ? (dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) { setState(() { _lastException = error; _lastStack = stackTrace; }); } : null, ); }
void _handleImageFrame(ImageInfo imageInfo, bool synchronousCall) { setState(() { _imageInfo = imageInfo; _loadingProgress = null; _frameNumber = _frameNumber == null ? 0 : _frameNumber + 1; _wasSynchronouslyLoaded |= synchronousCall; }); }
void addListener(ImageStreamListener listener) { if (_completer != null) return _completer.addListener(listener); _listeners ??= <ImageStreamListener>[]; _listeners.add(listener); }
哦 这个逻辑是。。已关联了completer的话,就把新设置的给completer,没设置的话就先存起来,呵呵 难不成imageStream里面存储个listenerlist的对象就是为了暂时给completer存着用的,天哪,太伟大了。哦扯远了,前面咱们梳理MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter的listener是哪儿来的,基本明了了,state变化时Image生成imagestream,同时生成listener设置给ImageStream暂存,后续应该有个时机stream关联completer。得嘞,回调这里处理完了,回来继续看_resolveImage方法的SrcollAwareImageProvider的代码类介绍:
/// An [ImageProvider] that makes use of /// [Scollable.recommendDeferredLoadingForContext] to avoid loading images when /// rapidly scrolling.
@optionalTypeArgs class ScrollAwareImageProvider<T> extends ImageProvider<T> { /// Creates a [ScrollingAwareImageProvider]. /// /// The [context] object is the [BuildContext] of the [State] using this /// provider. It is used to determine scrolling velocity during [resolve]. It /// must not be null. /// /// The [imageProvider] is used to create a key and load the image. It must /// not be null, and is assumed to interact with the cache in the normal way /// that [ImageProvider.resolveStreamForKey] does. const ScrollAwareImageProvider({ @required this.context, @required this.imageProvider, }) : assert(context != null), assert(imageProvider != null); /// The context that may or may not be enclosed by a [Scrollable]. /// /// Once [DisposableBuildContext.dispose] is called on this context, /// the provider will stop trying to resolve the image if it has not already /// been resolved. final DisposableBuildContext context; /// The wrapped image provider to delegate [obtainKey] and [load] to. final ImageProvider<T> imageProvider; @override void resolveStreamForKey( ImageConfiguration configuration, ImageStream stream, T key, ImageErrorListener handleError, ) { // Something managed to complete the stream, or it's already in the image // cache. Notify the wrapped provider and expect it to behave by not // reloading the image since it's already resolved. // Do this even if the context has gone out of the tree, since it will // update LRU information about the cache. Even though we never showed the // image, it was still touched more recently. // Do this before checking scrolling, so that if the bytes are available we // render them even though we're scrolling fast - there's no additional // allocations to do for texture memory, it's already there. if (stream.completer != null || PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.containsKey(key)) { imageProvider.resolveStreamForKey(configuration, stream, key, handleError); return; } // The context has gone out of the tree - ignore it. if (context.context == null) { return; } // Something still wants this image, but check if the context is scrolling // too fast before scheduling work that might never show on screen. // Try to get to end of the frame callbacks of the next frame, and then // check again. if (Scrollable.recommendDeferredLoadingForContext(context.context)) { SchedulerBinding.instance.scheduleFrameCallback((_) { scheduleMicrotask(() => resolveStreamForKey(configuration, stream, key, handleError)); }); return; } // We are in the tree, we're not scrolling too fast, the cache doens't // have our image, and no one has otherwise completed the stream. Go. imageProvider.resolveStreamForKey(configuration, stream, key, handleError); } @override ImageStreamCompleter load(T key, DecoderCallback decode) => imageProvider.load(key, decode); @override Future<T> obtainKey(ImageConfiguration configuration) => imageProvider.obtainKey(configuration); }
一共三个方法:内部逻辑都是调用传入的imageprovider的方法,嗯,这个看完了,回到第一步,resolveImage方法第一步构建了SrcollAwareImageProvider,里面干活的还是传入的provider(widget.image),第二步,provider调用resolve方法返回imageStream。看SrcollAwareImageProvider 它没这个方法,就找父类吧,还真有:
@nonVirtual ImageStream resolve(ImageConfiguration configuration) { assert(configuration != null); final ImageStream stream = createStream(configuration); // Load the key (potentially asynchronously), set up an error handling zone, // and call resolveStreamForKey. _createErrorHandlerAndKey( configuration, (T key, ImageErrorListener errorHandler) { resolveStreamForKey(configuration, stream, key, errorHandler); }, (T key, dynamic exception, StackTrace stack) async { await null; // wait an event turn in case a listener has been added to the image stream. final _ErrorImageCompleter imageCompleter = _ErrorImageCompleter(); stream.setCompleter(imageCompleter); InformationCollector collector; assert(() { collector = () sync* { yield DiagnosticsProperty<ImageProvider>('Image provider', this); yield DiagnosticsProperty<ImageConfiguration>('Image configuration', configuration); yield DiagnosticsProperty<T>('Image key', key, defaultValue: null); }; return true; }()); imageCompleter.setError( exception: exception, stack: stack, context: ErrorDescription('while resolving an image'), silent: true, // could be a network error or whatnot informationCollector: collector ); }, ); return stream; }
老规矩,先看下大流程:1. CreateStream 生成了个stream,2.调用了个_createErrorHandlerAndKey方法搞了些事情。嗯 第二步代码有点长呀…不太想看- -哎。先看下CreateStream方法吧:
@protected ImageStream createStream(ImageConfiguration configuration) { return ImageStream(); }
/// This method is used by both [resolve] and [obtainCacheStatus] to ensure /// that errors thrown during key creation are handled whether synchronous or /// asynchronous. void _createErrorHandlerAndKey( ImageConfiguration configuration, _KeyAndErrorHandlerCallback<T> successCallback, _AsyncKeyErrorHandler<T> errorCallback, ) { T obtainedKey; bool didError = false; Future<void> handleError(dynamic exception, StackTrace stack) async { if (didError) { return; } if (!didError) { errorCallback(obtainedKey, exception, stack); } didError = true; } // If an error is added to a synchronous completer before a listener has been // added, it can throw an error both into the zone and up the stack. Thus, it // looks like the error has been caught, but it is in fact also bubbling to the // zone. Since we cannot prevent all usage of Completer.sync here, or rather // that changing them would be too breaking, we instead hook into the same // zone mechanism to intercept the uncaught error and deliver it to the // image stream's error handler. Note that these errors may be duplicated, // hence the need for the `didError` flag. final Zone dangerZone = Zone.current.fork( specification: ZoneSpecification( handleUncaughtError: (Zone zone, ZoneDelegate delegate, Zone parent, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) { handleError(error, stackTrace); } ) ); dangerZone.runGuarded(() { Future<T> key; try { key = obtainKey(configuration); } catch (error, stackTrace) { handleError(error, stackTrace); return; } key.then<void>((T key) { obtainedKey = key; try { successCallback(key, handleError); } catch (error, stackTrace) { handleError(error, stackTrace); } }).catchError(handleError); }); }
@override Future<NetworkImage> obtainKey(image_provider.ImageConfiguration configuration) { return SynchronousFuture<NetworkImage>(this); }
class SynchronousFuture<T> implements Future<T> { /// Creates a synchronous future. /// /// See also: /// /// * [new Future.value] for information about creating a regular /// [Future] that completes with a value. SynchronousFuture(this._value); final T _value; @override Stream<T> asStream() { final StreamController<T> controller = StreamController<T>(); controller.add(_value); controller.close(); return controller.stream; } @override Future<T> catchError(Function onError, { bool test(Object error) }) => Completer<T>().future; @override Future<E> then<E>(FutureOr<E> f(T value), { Function onError }) { final dynamic result = f(_value); if (result is Future<E>) return result; return SynchronousFuture<E>(result as E); } @override Future<T> timeout(Duration timeLimit, { FutureOr<T> onTimeout() }) { return Future<T>.value(_value).timeout(timeLimit, onTimeout: onTimeout); } @override Future<T> whenComplete(FutureOr<dynamic> action()) { try { final FutureOr<dynamic> result = action(); if (result is Future) return result.then<T>((dynamic value) => _value); return this; } catch (e, stack) { return Future<T>.error(e, stack); } } }
可以看到入参是自己,then返回的也是自己,所以这里的key值是NetworkImage自己,之后咱们看下success后回调,成功后调用:resolveStreamForKey(configuration, stream, key, errorHandler);方法
@protected void resolveStreamForKey(ImageConfiguration configuration, ImageStream stream, T key, ImageErrorListener handleError) { // This is an unusual edge case where someone has told us that they found // the image we want before getting to this method. We should avoid calling // load again, but still update the image cache with LRU information. if (stream.completer != null) { final ImageStreamCompleter completer = PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent( key, () => stream.completer, onError: handleError, ); assert(identical(completer, stream.completer)); return; } final ImageStreamCompleter completer = PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent( key, () => load(key, PaintingBinding.instance.instantiateImageCodec), onError: handleError, ); if (completer != null) { stream.setCompleter(completer); } }
哎哟,completer这里搞的找到了。啥也不说 先看下stream.setCompleter(completer)方法的都干了啥
void setCompleter(ImageStreamCompleter value) { assert(_completer == null); _completer = value; if (_listeners != null) { final List<ImageStreamListener> initialListeners = _listeners; _listeners = null; initialListeners.forEach(_completer.addListener); } }
继续咱们是第一次加载,stream里面的completer绝对null。。当然了啥时候不为空,课后作业了。。为空则调用PaintingBingding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent方法,看你下入参第二个熟悉不!?嘿嘿 咱们之前看到的load方法,load方法里进行了url的http请求,请求回来后第二个参数是CodeC编解码器,进行处理,跟前面的串起来了吧。换句话说就是zone触发了下载流程。继续看方法putIfAbsent,这方法是在ImageCache里面,太长先切一段看:
ImageStreamCompleter result = _pendingImages[key]?.completer; // Nothing needs to be done because the image hasn't loaded yet. if (result != null) { if (!kReleaseMode) { timelineTask.finish(arguments: <String, dynamic>{'result': 'pending'}); } return result; } // Remove the provider from the list so that we can move it to the // recently used position below. // Don't use _touch here, which would trigger a check on cache size that is // not needed since this is just moving an existing cache entry to the head. final _CachedImage image = _cache.remove(key); if (image != null) { if (!kReleaseMode) { timelineTask.finish(arguments: <String, dynamic>{'result': 'keepAlive'}); } // The image might have been keptAlive but had no listeners (so not live). // Make sure the cache starts tracking it as live again. _trackLiveImage(key, _LiveImage(image.completer, image.sizeBytes, () => _liveImages.remove(key))); _cache[key] = image; return image.completer; } final _CachedImage liveImage = _liveImages[key]; if (liveImage != null) { _touch(key, liveImage, timelineTask); if (!kReleaseMode) { timelineTask.finish(arguments: <String, dynamic>{'result': 'keepAlive'}); } return liveImage.completer; }
try { result = loader(); _trackLiveImage(key, _LiveImage(result, null, () => _liveImages.remove(key))); } catch (error, stackTrace) { if (!kReleaseMode) { timelineTask.finish(arguments: <String, dynamic>{ 'result': 'error', 'error': error.toString(), 'stackTrace': stackTrace.toString(), }); } if (onError != null) { onError(error, stackTrace); return null; } else { rethrow; } } .... result.addListener(streamListener); return result;
void resolveStreamForKey(ImageConfiguration configuration, ImageStream stream, T key, ImageErrorListener handleError) { // This is an unusual edge case where someone has told us that they found // the image we want before getting to this method. We should avoid calling // load again, but still update the image cache with LRU information. if (stream.completer != null) { final ImageStreamCompleter completer = PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent( key, () => stream.completer, onError: handleError, ); assert(identical(completer, stream.completer)); return; } final ImageStreamCompleter completer = PaintingBinding.instance.imageCache.putIfAbsent( key, () => load(key, PaintingBinding.instance.instantiateImageCodec), onError: handleError, ); if (completer != null) { stream.setCompleter(completer); } }
嗯,stream 关联了completer。到这里,大流程就全部串完了。
1. 生成ImageStream,关联Image持有的listener,ImageStream中持有的listener是为了后续给ImageCompleter使用,关联时如果有ImageCompleter,则listener直接给completer,没有后续imageStream关联ImageCompleter时,将自己所有的listener给completer一份。
2. Provider(这里的provider就是NetWorkImage)生成ImageStream时,会走ImageCache的putIfAbsent方法生成completer直接关联。
3. ImageCache里面可以看到flutter对图片自带有三层内存缓存+一层源缓存(咱们这次主要看的是网络,同理其他file,asserts各自硬盘上也有数据,姑且也当做缓存吧)
4. 如果ImageCache中没有缓存时,会通过Provider(这里的provider就是NetWorkImage)的.load方法生成,生成的是MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter对象
5. MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter的构造方法中我们可以看到CodeC编解码器(native层的逻辑)在编解码过程中回调给codeC,通过_handleCodecReady方法处理,handleCodecReady方法通过一层层逻辑最终调用自己的listener(ImageStream给它的,ImageStream中的是Image控件设置进来的)回调给上层。
6. 结束~
扯。。。。 还差一点,谁用了最终ImageInfo里面的图片数据进行展示。是的,上面说过的Builde中可以看到是哪个控件。看代码:
@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (_lastException != null) { assert(widget.errorBuilder != null); return widget.errorBuilder(context, _lastException, _lastStack); } Widget result = RawImage( image: _imageInfo?.image, width: widget.width, height: widget.height, scale: _imageInfo?.scale ?? 1.0, color: widget.color, colorBlendMode: widget.colorBlendMode, fit: widget.fit, alignment: widget.alignment, repeat: widget.repeat, centerSlice: widget.centerSlice, matchTextDirection: widget.matchTextDirection, invertColors: _invertColors, filterQuality: widget.filterQuality, ); if (!widget.excludeFromSemantics) { result = Semantics( container: widget.semanticLabel != null, image: true, label: widget.semanticLabel ?? '', child: result, ); } if (widget.frameBuilder != null) result = widget.frameBuilder(context, result, _frameNumber, _wasSynchronouslyLoaded); if (widget.loadingBuilder != null) result = widget.loadingBuilder(context, result, _loadingProgress); return result; }
分析下:1. RawImage不要直接用,2.图片绘制使用的ui.image是通过paintImage方法处理的。
@override RenderImage createRenderObject(BuildContext context) { assert((!matchTextDirection && alignment is Alignment) || debugCheckHasDirectionality(context)); return RenderImage( image: image, width: width, height: height, scale: scale, color: color, colorBlendMode: colorBlendMode, fit: fit, alignment: alignment, repeat: repeat, centerSlice: centerSlice, matchTextDirection: matchTextDirection, textDirection: matchTextDirection || alignment is! Alignment ? Directionality.of(context) : null, invertColors: invertColors, filterQuality: filterQuality, ); }
@override void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) { if (_image == null) return; _resolve(); assert(_resolvedAlignment != null); assert(_flipHorizontally != null); paintImage( canvas: context.canvas, rect: offset & size, image: _image, scale: _scale, colorFilter: _colorFilter, fit: _fit, alignment: _resolvedAlignment, centerSlice: _centerSlice, repeat: _repeat, flipHorizontally: _flipHorizontally, invertColors: invertColors, filterQuality: _filterQuality, ); }
有draw方法了。可以 就是它了。哎呀,完活,最后看一眼renderImage的类注释
/// An image in the render tree. /// /// The render image attempts to find a size for itself that fits in the given /// constraints and preserves the image's intrinsic aspect ratio. /// /// The image is painted using [paintImage], which describes the meanings of the /// various fields on this class in more detail.
renderImage是在render tree 树上的。 其他的不翻译了。词汇量太少。
1. 作者是个Flutter小白,文章中有不对的,不严谨的,不适的地方大家多指正。哎,要是能贴个打赏码就更好了~~~
2. 不同的flutter版本源码不定一样,所以这篇帖子只是给大家理个思路(尽管里面可能我个人观点会掺杂),同时给准备看源码的小白看看,克服下源码恐惧感,所以大家尽量看完帖子自己再看梳理一遍吧。